WEBINÁŘ - 20 minut s mikroanalýzou
Datum: 9. 9. 2014
Prezentace 1 v 16.00 (CEST)
Prezentace 2 v 22.00 (CEST)
Odkaz k přihlášení: Thermo Scientific webinar
Registrujte se a sledujte s námi webinář Thermo Scientific věnovaný Rentgenové (X-Ray) mikroanalýze a použití filtrů pro vyhlazení obrazu povrchu.
20-Minute Topical in X-ray Microanalysis: Non-linear Smoothing Image Filters
Microanalysis conditions such as running low accelerating voltages, scanning elements in low concentrations, or where elements are distributed in isolated areas can create random noise in digital images. This is somewhat mitigated in X-ray maps and Principle Component images by using hot pixel suppression, but the results are not always satisfactory. Recently image filters have been introduced which greatly improve an analyst's confidence in the displayed data.
Smoothing (or blurring) filters are used to reduce noise and "clean" up X-ray maps making interpretation easier. However, a problem may still arise such as when they are applied over homogeneous intensity level areas, where pixels containing critical information may be blurred. Additionally, it is essential to preserve the edges and corners with respect to their shape and intensity gradient. These considerations are very important when smoothing colored X-ray maps.
Our next 20-minute topic in X-ray microanalysis covers EDS Data Visualization and Analysis (Part 2), we survey the use of non-linear smoothing image filters to improve your data. We will briefly review how they work, and discuss how these filters can be applied, including what filters work best for various analytical conditions. Our examples will come from geological, metallic and semiconductor materials in our presentation.
Who should attend:
Prezentace 1 v 16.00 (CEST)
Prezentace 2 v 22.00 (CEST)
Odkaz k přihlášení: Thermo Scientific webinar
Registrujte se a sledujte s námi webinář Thermo Scientific věnovaný Rentgenové (X-Ray) mikroanalýze a použití filtrů pro vyhlazení obrazu povrchu.
20-Minute Topical in X-ray Microanalysis: Non-linear Smoothing Image Filters
Microanalysis conditions such as running low accelerating voltages, scanning elements in low concentrations, or where elements are distributed in isolated areas can create random noise in digital images. This is somewhat mitigated in X-ray maps and Principle Component images by using hot pixel suppression, but the results are not always satisfactory. Recently image filters have been introduced which greatly improve an analyst's confidence in the displayed data.
Smoothing (or blurring) filters are used to reduce noise and "clean" up X-ray maps making interpretation easier. However, a problem may still arise such as when they are applied over homogeneous intensity level areas, where pixels containing critical information may be blurred. Additionally, it is essential to preserve the edges and corners with respect to their shape and intensity gradient. These considerations are very important when smoothing colored X-ray maps.
Our next 20-minute topic in X-ray microanalysis covers EDS Data Visualization and Analysis (Part 2), we survey the use of non-linear smoothing image filters to improve your data. We will briefly review how they work, and discuss how these filters can be applied, including what filters work best for various analytical conditions. Our examples will come from geological, metallic and semiconductor materials in our presentation.
Who should attend:
- Busy microscopists who rely on mapping techniques
- Geologists and mineralogists
- Researchers and engineers in semiconductor
- As usual, please bring any question relating to X-ray microanalysis to the Q&A session that follows