Webinář XPS
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XPS Simplified - driving productivity via automation
webinar XPS
Datum: 20. 2. 2014, 10:00 (EST) / 15:00 (GMT), 16:00 (EST) / 21:00 (GMT)
Přednášející: Paul Mack, Applications Scientist, Thermo Scientific
Making complex experiments routine
Register today for our webinar presentation on using automation and intelligent software to drive productivity.
As samples stack up in the your lab, or the queue of users waiting for their turn on your XPS instrument grows longer, the ability to maximize productivity on the instrument becomes a primary concern.
For many years, we have been supplying XPS instruments capable of not only automatically collecting data, but also automating the data reduction and report generation.
These capabilities make complex experiments become routine, as the data system handles elemental identification, applying peak fits, and more advanced data processing. In this webinar we will highlight how these features are implemented, and illustrate with relevant examples how
Thermo Scientific
software, allied with one of our portfolio of surface analysis instruments, can make XPS a standard tool for materials characterization , development, and production analysis.